Saturday, September 1, 2012

Discussion Question #3

The in the text Think, Boss explains 8 steps on how to construct an argument. The first step is, state the issue, clearly identifying the issue is key to constructing a valid and concise argument. The second step is, develop a list of premises, while developing this list it is important to stay open minded and to make sure all sources all creditable. These rules will help you have a strong argument. The third step is, eliminate weak or irrelevant premises because these can ruin an argument. It is also important to word your premises correctly to avoid any confusion. The fourth one is, establish a conclusion, your conclusion should be supported by all premises and not be drawn too soon. The Fifth one is, organize your argument, so your thesis statement is clear. Each argument should go from to go from weakest to strongest premise. The sixth one is, Try out your argument on others, this allows you to not only practice, but to see if others believe your argument is strong. The seventh step is, revise your argument, this allows you to use the feedback you received while using others advice. Lastly, put your solutions or conclusions into action, it is important to know how to present your argument after it is finished. 

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