Friday, August 31, 2012

Discussion Question #1

      President Obama’s view towards same-sex marriage contradicts his own beliefs. Yes, he supports civil unions for same-sex couples, but that does not guarantee these couple’s equal rights. Even though states try to provide legal protection for same-sex marriages sometimes it is not enough because of federal programs. Despite Obama’s personal beliefs, he conveys states should be able to decide whether or not they allow gay marriage. As a result, he contradicts himself by not allowing everyone to have an equal opportunity to marry whom he or she wishes. Considering Obama encourages same-sex marriage be the discretions of each state his beliefs are incomplete. Marital couples are protected with more than 1,000 federal rights, unlike same sex couples that cannot even consider themselves married on federal documentation. Since Obama has changed some of his beliefs towards same sex marriage he might respond by telling Nava and Dawidoff the universe is changing every day and so is he. Consequently, he has learned that same-sex couples have the same abilities as a heterosexual couple to marry, and be happy. Obama would also let them know he agrees that marriage is a basic right that should be guaranteed to any couple that wishes to show commitment to one another.

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